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NEW! Click this image to download a one-page overview of my services:



Build Connections

Every brand has a story to tell, and tapping into universal themes like heroes and conflicts can help your message come to life. Let me help you get to the heart of the matter, no matter what service or product you provide. 










Deliver Relevant Search Results

I have helped virtually all my clients to develop valuable online content that establishes expertise and attracts search engine traffic. This content has taken the form of keyword optimized blogs, buyer guides, shareable infographics, and more.











Engage Communities

I have worked with a number of clients on developing social media messaging, strategies, and assets that help them become more discoverable, relatable, and personable within the online social networks their target audiences frequent.


Inform & Connect

Core ID Services had multiple objectives for their newsletter. They wanted to create a tangible "product" to be the face of their identity theft restoration services. They also wanted to provide a valuable service for customers that could help them reduce their risk of ID theft. And they wanted to remind customers they were there to help. With the monthly Core Concepts enewsletter, I helped them achieve all three.

Establish Expertise

Artisan Financial Services had a wealth of experience and expertise that went beyond simple tax prep. To showcase the type of strategic guidance they could offer small businesses in an attractive, readable format, I worked with them to develop this downloadable eBook, and promoted it via their website and social media to garner leads.


Targeted Outreach

Email is still one of the best ways to create a direct connection with and generate response from your top prospects. I have created email campaigns to support events, generate new business, and stay in touch with valued customers.






Explain & Enlighten

Whether you call it a "slick," a brochure, a datasheet, or just a marketing piece, sometimes a tangible piece of paper is still the best way to get your message in front of an audience.









Garner Media Mentions

I have extensive contact lists and personal relationships with key editorial players in my focus areas, and an insider's understanding of what makes an effective PR pitch. I have secured media coverage for my clients in publications including Old House Journal, Georgia Magazine, the Atlanta Journal & Constitution, and Atlanta Magazine HOME.


Garner Media Mentions


I have extensive contact lists and personal relationships with key editorial players in my focus areas, and an insider's understanding of what makes an effective PR pitch. I have secured media coverage for my clients in publications including Old House Journal, Georgia Magazine, the Atlanta Journal & Constitution, and Atlanta Magazine HOME.


Communicate with Audiences

I write on gardening, lifestyle, travel, and family topics for publications like Georgia Magazine, Birds and BloomsState-by-State Gardening, Nursery ManagementAtlanta Parent, and Lake Oconee Living.


Illustrate with Imagery

I am an avid photographer, and provide my own photography to accompany articles, attract interest on social media, and showcase customers' offerings. My work has been featured on multiple magazine covers.


Visit my online gallery and stock photo catalog to search and shop for the right image to fit your garden photography needs. 

Want to see more, or tell me what you need? Let's talk. >>
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